Saturday, January 03, 2009

Blue Cherry v2.0: An Introduction

Hello. If you’re reading this post, then welcome to Blue Cherry. (Or, if you’re one of those twelve people who’ve been here before, welcome back.) As 2009 starts up, I’ve decided to do something incredibly crazy and nearly insane: I’m going to try and reboot my blog-like Web site, Blue Cherry. I hope this lasts.

Here’s the backstory: I started Blue Cherry in April 2005 to try and take hold of the geeky-hip trend of starting a blog. However, given that I have absolutely no interest in actually talking about myself (or at least in a serious manner), I quickly veered my blog into a venue for talking about various aspects of pop culture. The site succeeded for approximately a year, as I continually posted about new DVD releases, bullet-point lists of TV series observations, and other ridiculous and self-serving pieces of the written word. Then I got bored, sleepy, or just plain ignorant, and I gave up.

So why have I decided to get back into the blogging saddle? Well, there are several reasons, actually. For one, I’ve become increasingly intrigued by Internet pop culture writing. (On the right-hand column, you’ll find links to several excellent sites, such as the A.V. Club, Roger Ebert’s review site/blog, and James Berardinelli’s Web site, Reelviews.) Also, I’ve been cultivating my writing skills on, of all sites, Facebook, by doing short movie write-ups on the Flixster movie application. I don’t know if my writing skills have improved, but I do know that I’m a heck of a lot more verbose as time has gone on. Finally, I just feel that I need to do some writing, and this provides the most straightforward venue to do so. A lot of people have talked about how the Internet has somewhat destroyed the art of criticism: that anybody with a keyboard can now espouse their opinions and what-not. Personally, I don’t care that much about who reads the stuff on this site or whether they agree with me; I’d just like to write about stuff I find interesting. In fact, the only people who know about this site are the ones that have actually accessed this site. So there.

As part of this reboot, I’ve decided to do the unthinkable: I’ve completely removed all the previous posts from Blue Cherry (100 total posts, actually). Now, before you start referring to me as George Lucas, I’d just like to say that I felt that this would be the best way to bring a fresh start to the blog. I knew that a good chunk of my prior writings (such as those bullet-point TV series posts) would hardly be relevant in this day and age. Plus, this allows me to start over with my posting style, in terms of tone, content, and the like.

Anyways, I’ve got a few ideas cooking in my head for some initial blog posts, and they will hopefully come to fruition post-haste. So, if you’re interested, please feel free to come on by and check stuff out every now and then. If you don’t care, then thanks for stopping by just this once. And if I stop posting again, then please hurl as many insults at me as you can. Other than that, enjoy!